Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bride's Wedding Day Checklist

The bride has enough to worry about on her wedding day. Below is a convenient Wedding Day Checklist to make sure she has everything she'll need on her very special day. We recommend that the maid of honor take on the responsibility of going over this checklist with the bride.

Feel free to print off this form!

Written vows or poem to be presented

Wedding gown

Veil and headpiece

Additional headpiece for reception

Special bra, panties

Special slip

Extra hosiery




Make-up, perfume

Nail polish and file

Curling iron, curlers

Comb, brush

Hairspray, extra bobby pins

Hand Mirror

Toothbrush, toothpaste, breath mints

Iron or steamer


Penny or sixpence

Bible, hanky, etc

Ring pillow

Flower basket (if not being delivered by florist)

Going-away outfit

Going-away undergarments

Going-away shoes and hosiery

Accessories, jewelry, etc.

Wedding night bag (placed in get-away car or limo)

Honeymoon suitcases (placed in get-away car or limo)

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